Friday, January 10, 2014

Our penpals have received our letters!!

Last December,  6th level students wrote letters to students from Chicago who are studing Spanish Language. Their teacher is a Kate's friend, our conversation assistant. They have received the letters and this is the proof:

"It was so exciting to come back to school and find letters from our sevillano pen pals!!!! Thanks kids were so happy and impressed with how well your kids can already speak English! can't wait to send some letters back!!!

Now they are going to write to us!!


  1. Hola soy Conchi, que chula la foto, me alegro mucho de que les haya gustado la postal y la carta a nuestros amigos los ingleses.¡ Yo también estoy deseando recibir mi carta!

  2. hola soy Raquel. Estoy muy contenta de que la hayan recibido, mi carta es una de las que salen en la foto.
